Tea or soup? – an elixir

Cyberspace is flooded with the recipes of immune-boosters to fortify against viral infections. The one that caught my eye among the medley was that of the ‘Onion Tea’, with onion peel and honey. Quercetin, a flavonoid (plant pigment) found in onions is thought to have antiviral properties besides the immune-boosting minerals like selenium, zinc and vitamin C. What could be better in our war against the COVID 19 virus?

Onion skin! Isn’t that for the garbage can? And with honey! Somehow, the idea of mixing the sweetness of honey with onions did not go down well with me. However, the onion skins continued to tug my brain. “Why not try a savoury version of the recipe?” I thought.

Lo and behold! My endeavours could put any of those classic ‘French Onion clear soups’, from Michelin starred restaurants to shame. A million-volt kick of flavour jolted my brain. The rich golden hue of the concoction of such mundane ingredients also came as a surprise.

Tea, soup, or tea soup you name it, but it is an elixir fit for the gods, that is, of course, if you can put away the inhibitions about using onion peels. “Sounds Yucky!” was my brother’s famous reply as he immediately dismissed the idea when I first shared it with him. I had to remind him that he did relish baked potatoes in their jackets to coax him to give it a try. Frankly, I rue the colossal waste of loads of onion peel throughout my past life! I now save onion peels in the refrigerator marked by date for use later when I fancy a mood elevator. Maybe you can just wash and dry the onion peels and then powder it to store for use later if you have time on your hands.

Now for the recipe ;-

Ingredients :

The skin of one medium-sized onion ( washed well )

1 cup of water

Salt to taste

Freshly powdered black pepper to taste


Boil together all ingredients in a large bowl for one minute. Strain and enjoy.

Tip: It is better to keep the salt and the pepper on the higher side to cure that famous itch in the throat! This is the basic recipe. I urge you guys to give it a try.

I have tried adding ginger peel, and that too was delicious. Garlic peel added some bitterness and did not go down well with me. I feel mint leaves, curry leaves or even honey for variety may work wonders to the basic recipe. The best part is that these add much to the flavour and little to the calories. Maybe, you can try these and let me know your results

6 Replies to “Tea or soup? – an elixir”

  1. Dear Madam
    I never thought onion peel can be used for preparing an immunity boosting soup.
    That was news to me.
    U have written it so well that already I can feel
    the taste of it.
    I rarely venture into the kitchen for any (mis)adventures.But this one sure has already
    jolted me out of my couch ,as unlike grande gourmet this sounds more like Art from Waste.
    I wonder what the Jains have to say about it.

    1. Dear Maggie, this recipe is so simple that there is no scope for misadventures with it. Do get back after your trial. Glad to note your concern for the Jains, I shall ask my Jain friend about it.

  2. The recipe is simply out of the blue..could never have imagined it…will put it to test on a rainy evening….. I better start saving the onion skins……
    Your article definitely is 5 star rated but can’t say the same about the concoction yet !

    1. Do try it and get back Shobha. My friend Maggie was concerned about whether the Jains will accept the recipe. So let us get it straight from the horse’s mouth!

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